
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Yoga for Everyone

I've been practicing Hot Yoga for twenty years and teaching for twelve years. I owned studios in Massachusetts, The United States, and I have led classes in The Philippines; Singapore; Australia; Vietnam and Thailand.  It's been a very fulfilling experience.

Imagine a young person applying for a job and the employer tells the applicant they must pay $12,000.00 for training. And when their training is complete, there is no guarantee the applicant will be hired.

That's nuts!

But it is exactly what happens in the hot yoga business today.  It's time for a change.

Modern Hot Yoga is a boutique studio in Bangkok.  I will invite ambitious students to practice with me with the intention of training them to be teachers.  As teachers develop, Modern Hot Yoga will employ or invest in the new teachers seeking to expand this social enterprise.  Our mission is to bring the practice of hot yoga back to a simpler, less expensive model where dedicated, experienced teachers mentor new people in the art of Yoga.

After only six weeks Bua Khao is translating instructions to Thai

The price of our public classes will be low enough for everybody to afford also: 200 Thai Baht ($5.60 USD). No money? No problem! Come anyway.

Postural yoga is a gift that's been passed down over generations, from many sources. It is the mission of Modern Hot Yoga to pass that gift on to the next generation.

All the information you need is on: Modern Hot Yoga on Facebook.